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Posts: 3
RE: Richie Knucklez Invitational-Aug 7th-8th
on 8/8/2010 10:06:53 PM
mpstulir Wrote:
So are you saying that a free weekend of gaming and a free BBQ isn't enough? Wow.

Sorry if that came across poorly. I was gonna look into making up Tshirts or something. - noted for next year.

But, a HUGE thank you to Richie and Paige for opening their home! The food, wiffle ball and the gaming was awesome.

and thanks to you guys and gals for helping out with scoring, etc.


Posts: 2
RE: Richie Knucklez Invitational-Aug 7th-8th
on 8/9/2010 6:36:48 AM
Who won Rush Rock

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: Richie Knucklez Invitational-Aug 7th-8th
on 8/9/2010 7:33:05 AM
Zack Lubow won the Rush tourney.

Big thanks to Richie, Paige, Mike Stulir and Dave H for all their hard work, gifts and time. It was an awesome event on every level. Thanks also to Graham for sprinkling some of his Pole Position magic on the cabinet for me. I got 60k for the first time after many attempts on Saturday.


Posts: 6
RE: Richie Knucklez Invitational-Aug 7th-8th
on 8/9/2010 1:00:58 PM
Sounds like a great weekend!

Congrats to all on the new WR's and personal bests set at the 2010 Richie Knucklez Invitational!

Way to go!


Posts: 1
RE: Richie Knucklez Invitational-Aug 7th-8th
on 8/13/2010 3:06:03 AM
BadBrains Wrote:
I think Mark was not ready to do it also it was going to be a 16 hour game and bathroom brakes at the arcade would be hard with that game

Nah....should ONLY take "13 hours" if your patterns maximize the bonus counter for each fight. Your RIGHT about the bathroom breaks. Two options.

# 1 - pee in a bucket

# 2 - wear depends

# 1 was necessary when the record was set in Seattle this past June :)

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