
Posts: 2
on 7/3/2013 2:07:30 PM
Hey guys. New to the forums.
Just checking to see if there are any Flicky players here. Just discovered the game on MAME a few weeks back and love it.
Anyway, I have noticed that after you clear a set of 3 levels, sometimes you get some lady/mermaid or Pengo to open a window and give you bonus points whch can be quite substantial). However, I have no idea what I'm doing to earn those bonus points (or not earn them the majority of the time).
Can anyone fill me in on what the trigger is for scoring bonus points.

Posts: 65
RE: Flicky
on 7/3/2013 2:33:49 PM
I've got a few pretty serious FLICKY players here at the Galloping Ghost Arcade...I'll make sure they get in on this thread. Such an awesome game!

Posts: 7
RE: Flicky
on 7/3/2013 3:07:58 PM
Hello and welcome! Flicky is one of my favorites, but I have not nailed down the "window bonuses" yet. Here is what I do know and/or believe to be true so far. Hopefully, the community can help us get it sorted.
1. The window bonuses are not 100% score-based. 2. You can still get window bonuses if you miss a bird in one of the bonus levels. 3. Losing a life does not necessarily prevent window bonuses. 4. The bonuses I know of are on level 10 (girl waving by table with bowl), 18 (Pengo), 26 (pink bird chirping), 34 (bunny with record player), 42 (drawing a blank, sorry), and 50 (topless girl in white bikini bottom "shaking it" with her back to you). They increase dramatically in value, making them extremely important to high scoring. 5. Bringing any less than all of the piopio to the exit at the same time in any level seems to negate all further window bonuses. 6. If the green window monster appears because you have stood still or been on a level too long, the next window bonus, if not all, are unavailable. 7. Taking more than 45 or 50 seconds (or possibly the point where no more bonus points are earned) in a level seems to make the next window bonus, if not all, unavailable.
I hope that helps, and I would love to hear or see anybody else trying to figure this out, as well as playing the game. A few other theories I have not ruled out of the magic window bonus equation that others might be able to check out: - Cumulative time - Target time and/or score per level - Enemies killed (I have done no research on this, I just keep trying to fly through every level with all my piopio, which seems to work) - Gems from enemies (Again, no research since I never try for them)

Posts: 2
RE: Flicky
on 7/3/2013 4:12:14 PM
Thanks for the response. You have some of the same theories as me, but still doesn't get that much closer to a conclusive answer.
I first thought that if you finish a set of 3 levels under 1 minute cumulative with no lives lost is what gets you the bonus, but that didn't seem to be 100% accurate. Also thought of the number of enemies killed angle, but as a recent convert to Flicky, I haven't been able to test these theories too much.
Right now, I'm only maxing out at 1.4 million (assuming I get the bonus on level 34) and haven't got passsed level 44. So have to keep playing. Its just frustrating since the bonuses are obviously huge in getting a top score, but right now it still seems random to me.
Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: Flicky
on 7/5/2013 12:30:01 AM
Never played this but bump for an old friend.
Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: Flicky
on 7/5/2013 12:30:02 AM