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Posts: 39
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 5/1/2013 6:22:25 PM
LordBBH Wrote:
I'm not a marathon type of guy... I've never played a single game of anything in the arcade for more than a few hours at a time. I lose interest once you get to the point where the game has nothing new to offer you.

Your 5 mil run is impressive in its own right Matt. I've seen your scores on Aurcade—you're a skilled gamer. I respect your decision not to go full blast with the marathon. I'm not a big fan of them either, and I'm nowhere near anyone else's skill level. Thank goodness for archived streams these days. What you wrote above makes a whole lot sense, thanks for your input! Pac-Man

1500points Wrote:
UPDATE: Mark A. interviewed Eric Ginner about his 112mil game, and confirmed the game reset multiple times but Walter allowed the scores to be appended.

Mark, thanks again for your insights and for running the Robotron Guidebook website. This confirms what Chris wrote earlier about Ginner's integrity as a gamer. We could use more of that in all aspects of everyday life. Aside from competitive gaming, I tend to lean more towards competing against myself, and also appreciate connecting with folks. For me, the arcade experience is much more meaningful, enjoyable when I share in with a companion, instead of just going for scores. A few friendly competitions is funner also.

Now, are you yourself gonna go for the 100 mil, Mark? SueBlinky



Posts: 21
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 5/2/2013 10:49:56 AM
ha, no marathons for me. I'm no gladiator in the arena.

A 5-10 min game of Robo on difficulty 10 is about the extent of my attention span.

I see Dane Tullock just ordered patched roms for his machine, so there should be some more action happening sooner than later.

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 5/3/2013 11:15:38 AM
LordBBH Wrote:
I lose interest once you get to the point where the game has nothing new to offer you.

This is a great way of expressing my feelings as well. I remember when I was a kid growing up playing these games, I always more interested in seeing what was next, what new obstacle was going to get thrown your way, moreso than the counter in the upper left.


Posts: 13
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 5/19/2013 6:51:00 PM
I have a newspaper article for the 300M score i seen in a magazine about that score it was supposed to be a 96 hour game but i don't think it happened. On the leo daniels adn some of the earlier scores they were definitely playing on the level 3 factory setting so that is way to easy to play.

Starting a legitmate track on validated scores is probably the best way to go on Robotron.



Posts: 21
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/4/2014 1:52:12 PM
well almost 9 months after the gauntlet was formed, Master House has climbed the mountain and stands victorious.
Fun stuff and congrats on the 23 hr game reaching 100,000,970.
His final score of 970 not even qualifying for the daily high score list.....Robotrons win again with the final laugh.

Good luck to our 2 remaining contestants for the MAGfest weekend. Dane going for 50mil and Jacob going for 20 mil after rolling the lives for the first time ever today, 1/4/14


Posts: 65
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/5/2014 9:31:09 AM
970? Is that a typo?


Posts: 21
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/5/2014 10:51:59 AM
yes. sorry.....or just trying to keep the saga of the old scoreboard alive. ;)


Posts: 12
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/5/2014 11:01:58 AM
Robtron is the Hardest game I've ever played Pac-ManInky


Posts: 65
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/5/2014 1:23:58 PM
1500points Wrote:
yes. sorry.....or just trying to keep the saga of the old scoreboard alive. ;)

ah ok...was wondering if maybe there finally WAS a possibility that one with the 80 in it was legit ;) (length of time to actually play it that high notwithstanding)


Posts: 39
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/5/2014 6:45:42 PM
CKFan Wrote:
1500points Wrote:
yes. sorry.....or just trying to keep the saga of the old scoreboard alive. ;)

ah ok...was wondering if maybe there finally WAS a possibility that one with the 80 in it was legit ;) (length of time to actually play it that high notwithstanding)

Ha, good to know about the typo! What's the real ending for that score Mark? Congrats to Master House on such a big achievement! Pac-Man Thanks for the updates as always Mark, I didn't realize folks were still going for that big feat of 100 million.

mattburke Wrote:Robtron is the Hardest game I've ever played Pac-ManInky
Matt, the game is a challenge to those of us who have not yet mastered it. Not only is there a a tournament setting of five lives only (no bonus lives per 25k points achieved), but the game also has difficulties of 1-10. Most of us have only played on the default five at the arcades. Keep practicing and you'll excel in no time!

I've got a long ways to go to hit that million point mark, my personal best to date is 722,050! Happy New Year everyone! Pac-Man



Posts: 12
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/5/2014 7:18:15 PM
Thank for the Encouragement Duc! last score I up at the Underground was 29,025 in Robotron ! pretty good score if say so myself Hope to see you at the Underground soon!


Posts: 21
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/5/2014 11:54:25 PM

Here are a couple of cruddy videos I took when his game was being broadcast on the Lounge, front page of TwitchTV, and received over 200,000 total views for the 23 hr event.

The score rolling to 100 million-
The end of game showing settings, took 9 minutes to kill off extra men-

The final laugh goes to Robotron, as the final onscreen score of 9,700 wasn't good enough to even make the daily high scores.

Ken used an innovative idea to pull off this feat without rolling the men at 256 lives.
at 50 million he killed off all his spare men down to 6 then started over.
worked out well considering the masters tend to roll their lives between 25 and 45 million, if break times aren't calculated properly.

rolling lives....something that will NEVER happen to me or most mere mortals.....oy vay.


Posts: 4
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/7/2014 3:20:21 PM
One Hundred Million ??? OMG - Robotron house rockin' with Ken House. He's got the Name, the Skills and now the Score. AWESOME job Ken.


Posts: 21
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/9/2014 1:09:51 PM
I see Jacob's magfest run is in the database. very cool.
anyone going to add Ken's?


Posts: 61
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/9/2014 9:16:35 PM
Whooo hoooo Ken, nice job on getting the first 100m robotron score.
I knewyou could do it, and I'm very happy that you did it.


Posts: 21
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/10/2014 11:32:38 AM
Thanks to Ken and John talking we now have a brand new development that no players seem to have ever discovered in the past 32 years, too.
further proof Ken is more than likely the only person in the history of the game to hit 100million on one single credit.

good stuff. see full details here-


Posts: 65
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/10/2014 3:31:11 PM
So what do you think happens when you hit 100,025,000? I assume no extra men until you caught up with the ones given during the bonanza, like on Defender? (too bad he quit at 100,009,700 ;) )


Posts: 21
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/10/2014 3:54:50 PM
yes, that is correct. let's say you earned 100 men in the bonanza. you'd have to get (25k x 100) 2,500,000 before more lives could be earned.

so to continue that scenario- let's say you rolled the lives during the bonanza and ended up with 10 men in storage when the score goes back to zero. mmmmm, you be done...well unless you are Red Elf and pull off a WR 5 man TGTS miracle. :)

this is a common way a Defender players game will end because it is tough to manage the lives without seeing them on screen. one strategy by the UK's Simon G is to try to have more smart bombs than lives going into the bonanza. still no guarantees.

Stargate apparently does it too at 99mil but no one has been that high, yet.

the fun news is that one of the Vid Kidz is working on some romset changes to put a life counter and extra digit into a new robotron romset. What fun!


Posts: 21
RE: Robotron race to 100 Million
on 1/18/2014 9:42:52 AM
FYI- David G from Texas is streaming a Robo marathon at The Game Preserve arcade.

Playing on the romset with the corner glitch so he has his work cutout.
Hopefully he can win a gauntlet tshirt for reaching 50mil!

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