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Posts: 674
Making a run to become worlds largest
on 2/6/2013 10:01:14 PM
We are on the precipice of arcade history here.

Galloping Ghost is officially making a run to overtake ACAM @ Funspot as the worlds largest arcade.

I want people's opinions on this.

I should also point out some things.
When we compile this list, whenever possible, I like to count physical cabinets on location. There are some rare instances where we have strayed from this (mostly revolving around the Nintendo Red Tent since it can hold more than one game) but for the most part it is arcade cabinets on location. If a multicade cabinet exists, we label it as a multicade cabinet and put some of the games in the description.

That being said, I know some of the games on the list are inside Neo Geo MVS systems. There are approximately 20 games in 4 cabinets. The reason why they are separated is so scores can be submitted on them. Just know the actual count of arcade cabinets is approximately 20 less than what the site shows, and that is because some of the games inside the MVS can be submitted to scoreboards.

It is still an impressive number and we'll see if GGA can truly overtake ACAM. :)


Posts: 58
RE: Making a run to become worlds largest
on 2/6/2013 10:32:34 PM
There are also many double cabinets to take into account. Although personally this doesn't bother me at all, I can only play one game at once!


Posts: 157
RE: Making a run to become worlds largest
on 2/7/2013 12:39:41 AM
Do non-working cabs take in affect into these counts or ones that are stored by the locations?


Posts: 674
RE: Making a run to become worlds largest
on 2/7/2013 2:30:22 AM
Good question, Rob.

Cabinets that are on the floor and not working do count. There's just a bunch of red dots next to them.
If they have physically taken them off the floor, then we uncheck a box which causes the entry to highlight in red.


Posts: 31
RE: Making a run to become worlds largest
on 2/7/2013 9:59:25 AM
The_Pro Wrote:
There are also many double cabinets to take into account. Although personally this doesn't bother me at all, I can only play one game at once!

That never stopped Bryan Wagner. ;)


Posts: 10
RE: Making a run to become worlds largest
on 2/7/2013 7:35:08 PM
I don't think it matters either way. Funspot was certified quite a few years ago. If your getting your numbers from that certification your still on the low side. I know with just me I've donated over 20 games (working) that there just isn't room on the floor for.. So if they want to keep the record they have a lot more games than most think..


Posts: 157
RE: Making a run to become worlds largest
on 2/7/2013 11:26:40 PM
I know Funspot has storage with plenty of games, but I don't know if they are on site. Galloping Ghost has games not on the floor but on site so I don't know if that affected the numbers at all.


Posts: 10
RE: Making a run to become worlds largest
on 2/8/2013 1:29:06 AM
I just reread the original post. ACAM doesn't have the record, Funspot does. ACAM has its games listed here, Funspot doesn't. ACAM's games exist inside of Funspot so they are counted for Guinness. ACAM's listing here is incredibly outdated. Many games haven't been listed due to the fact that they could be future tournament games and they don't want to advertise that they have them. They also may not be listed because they are working on a collection to be unveiled all at once at an event (like the tournament) and don't want people to know that they have them.

Lakeman, I thought I had seen all the places on site that they have games squirreled away yet they still surprise me all the time. I got to see the "shoot the bear" game yesterday featured on American Restoration that I had not seen before. Looked beautiful, Wish it worked, I would have loved to have played it.

Anyway I don't think Funspot will have an issue with GGA trying to beat their record. I just think personally the bar is a lot higher than people think.


Posts: 65
RE: Making a run to become worlds largest
on 2/8/2013 3:21:18 PM
It might include the size of the arcade itself as well. If that's the case, GG has a long way to go, as Funspot is HUGE. Also, if you're just going by the number of games listed here, it's only 374, but on the Guinness site, it says this:
Weirs Beach, New Hampshire, USA, is home to the largest games arcade in the world – Funspot. It has more than 500 classic and new games over three floors, and was founded in 1952 by Bob Lawton. The venue also includes the Classic Arcade Museum, which holds over 250 working arcade machines dating from the early 1970s to 1987, including Computer Space (1971) and Pong (1972).


Posts: 157
RE: Making a run to become worlds largest
on 2/9/2013 11:09:03 AM
I kind of figured Funspot always had more games than anywhere else, but when I heard it was the largest in the world I figured it was mostly based on it's size with the 3 floors, bowling alley, bar and restaurant, and mini golf added on to all the games that it has to offer. Also if Funspot and ACAM are separated when it comes to these counts then some of the modern games on the ACAM list like Deal of No Deal and Fast and the Furious should not be on the list unless ACAM owns those too. There are multiple variables that could affect the list of games for locations which make it difficult for every list to be 100% accurate unless every arcade constantly updated. I look at these lists just to get a general idea of what arcades have for games, but I don't put all of my faith into it.

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