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Forums   General Discussion  MAME Streaming League Interest?
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Posts: 79
MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/16/2011 10:15:25 PM
I'm trying to see if there is enough interest to get a MAME streaming league together. I'm not going to go into details until I see if we have enough but the high level would be:

1. We'd need at least 6-8 people willing to play.
2. All games played live and streaming at a set time/date on the weekend to accommodate as many people as possible.
3. Friendly team competition for fun and bragging rights.
4. Willing to commit to playing 2ish hours every two weeks for 8 weeks (so 4 events and a total of 8ish hours)
5. Play actual good games and not crap. (Not that there's anything wrong with crap :) )

This is not meant to supplant any other arcade streaming event being planned with ACAM, Kencade, Richies, etc. If anything it can be a sister event that helps bring the community closer together and build more interest in events in those arcades.

I'm cross posting this on CAGDC and Aurcade. Reply at either place or send me a PM on either site if you're interested. If we can get 6-8 takers then I'll outline the details and plans.


Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/16/2011 10:51:34 PM
I'd be interested. I tried streaming tonight from my phone again and this time it looked great for some reason.

My only issue would be controls as I have an X-Arcade which is fine to great for some games (Kung Fu Master, Moon Patrol, button only games, etc) and unplayable for others (DK series, Zoo Keeper, etc) as I demonstrated a bit tonight :)

I would use the keyboard for those but I'm missing a left arrow key thanks to my nephew who decided it was best to remove it....and I'm wayyyyyy to lazy to replace the keyboard.


Posts: 115
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/16/2011 11:01:38 PM
I'll surround you in my clown juice!!!


Posts: 103
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/17/2011 12:11:09 AM
I'm down.


Posts: 61
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/17/2011 2:48:43 AM
Sounds like we have the NW league, now we need the East Coast and then some others also


Posts: 3
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/17/2011 6:18:56 AM
I'll be around if you need help setting up :)

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/17/2011 6:24:50 AM
redelf Wrote:
Sounds like we have the NW league, now we need the East Coast and then some others also

Did you trade for me? I hope you didn't give up much as I only play games with clowns in them (except "Clowns" and a few other games that have clowns in them).

And disregard the post previous. Ed's log in was still active from awhile back and figured I'd make him pay with a human kill screen joke.

Andrew Gardikis

Posts: 2
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/17/2011 11:58:55 AM
Put me down as possibly. I'm new to streaming online now.


Posts: 38
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/17/2011 4:58:59 PM
i can stream but idk if i can put all the time in


Posts: 79
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/17/2011 10:48:30 PM
The couple hours every two weeks isn't a tonne of time and it's also the upper limit. Ideally we'd have enough people such that teams could have alternates so people couple miss an event if they weren't able to make it. No one is committing to anything yet. I'm just getting a feel for what numbers we might have.

Early indication is that we could get in the 6-10 range which might be enough for an alternate or two on each team. I'll be fleshing out the full details early next week and we'll go from there.


Posts: 0
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/18/2011 4:17:44 AM
For me, it would largely depend on what time it happens. My job demands I work from 4-10 pm CST every weekend without exception. More often than not I'm there until midnight, sometimes even later.

marky d

Posts: 60
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/18/2011 12:09:46 PM
I'm in almost the same boat as Zerst, but I don't work *every* weekend. When I do it is 3-11p CST.


Posts: 84
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/23/2011 12:59:05 AM
I am interested. Count me in.


Posts: 37
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/25/2011 11:40:20 AM
Count me in for the east coast team as well! I'll participate when I can.

Steve W

Posts: 157
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/25/2011 2:28:28 PM
East side baby!

Where's Super Supreme?


Posts: 79
RE: MAME Streaming League Interest?
on 5/26/2011 11:25:09 PM
Well I'm happy to say it looks like we have enough initial interest to give this Mame streaming league a try. In this post I'm going to layout the basic format of how things are going to work at a very high level. Everyone is free to give their feedback, and I may actually implement some of it :), but my approach for getting this thing up and running is to hit the ground running by experimenting with the real thing and then adjusting things over time. The reality is the more overhead and rules we put in place at the start the more boring this thing is going to be. I'd love to get us all having fun firstly and then tweaking things as we go along and learn what works at what doesn't. Doing instead of theory.

The High Level Setup

1. Two teams consisting of 3+ players. Ideal number for the first season is going to be 5-6 people per team to allow for people missing individual events.

2. Four "Matches" every two weeks. Time to be decided later but all games are played live on a stream. No submitting clips or inps. This is as close to a live event as you can get in streaming.

3. Each match features 3 games. For each game team captains will name 3 players from each team to compete at the game. Competitors will be paired against someone on the opposite team for a head to head match at the selected game. The winner of the pair gains his team one (1) point. At the end of the 3 pairings the number of points are tallied per team and the winning team gets one (1) match point. At the end of the night the number of match points are tallied and an overall match winner is declared.

4. Game variations are picked to keep individual games < 15 minutes. This will mean extreme settings and settings that highlight risk/reward. Since we're using Mame we can use save states to start a game at a challenging point as well.

Here's an example match to help describe things:

Team 1 - "The Letters"

Player A
Player B
Player C
Player D
Player E

Team 2 - "The Numbers"

Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5

Game #1 - Frogger (1 man only - Starting at stage 20)

Team 1 Players: (A, C, D)
Team 2 Players: (1, 2, 3)

Game Results (2-1)
A versus 1 - A wins (5000 - 4800)
C versus 2 - C wins (5100 - 4700)
D versus 3 - 3 wins (2500 - 10900)

Game #2 - Donkey Kong (1 man only, no hammer - Starting at 1-1)

Team 1 Players: (A, B, E)
Team 2 Players: (2, 4, 5)

Game Results (0-3)
A versus 2 - 2 wins (10200 - 15000)
B versus 4 - 4 wins (9000 - 9200)
E versus 5 - 5 wins (13600 - 22000)

Game #3 - Robotron (5 man, Diff level 5 - Starting at 1)

Team 1 Players (A, B, C)
Team 2 Players (2, 3, 4)

Game Results (2-1)
A versus 2 - A wins (350000-337000)
B versus 3 - B wins (80000-54000)
C versus 4 - 4 wins (70000-460000)

Overall Match Results: Team 1 wins! (2-1)

This in a nutshell is how an individual evening would go. A season would consist of 4 of these nights spread out over 8 weeks with the two teams attempting to get the best overall record. I'll go into more detail on some of the rules in a later post along with how I'm hoping to setup each event but this hopefully will get people a little more insight into what I'm thinking.


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