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Format: Star Wars: Points

Required Settings
Starting Shields: 6
Game Play: Hard
1 Bonus Shield for Destroying Death Star
1 Coin 1 Credit

The following switch options give you the above recommended settings:
PCB at 10B
Switch 1: ON
Switch 2: ON (1-2 for 6 ships)
Switch 3: ON
Switch 4: OFF (3-4 for Hard game play)
Switch 5: OFF
Switch 6: ON (Death Star bonus: 1)


These scores were attained using the above settings.

Rank Player Score % Tokens Achieved
1. Robert Mruczek 7,021,005 100.00 91 08/07/10
2. Donald Hayes 5,928,882 84.44 77 08/07/09
3. Mark Boolman 5,198,043 74.04 67 06/04/03
4. John McAllister 3,448,871 49.12 45 09/18/10
5. Bruce Widmer 3,060,999 43.60 40 05/15/16
6. Steve Stroz 2,131,844 30.36 28 03/20/18
7. Peter Gorz 1,906,617 27.16 25 01/28/16
8. Mark Sellers 1,849,040 26.34 24 09/17/10
9. Joe Klug 1,535,969 21.88 20 07/13/18
10. Skylar Canon 1,424,218 20.29 18 11/25/23
11. Keith Owens 1,302,914 18.56 17 12/10/16
12. Chad D'Entrone 1,252,284 17.84 16 10/22/23
13. Joe Grisaffi 1,140,700 16.25 15 08/25/18
14. David Gomez 1,134,245 16.16 15 08/05/17
15. Tom Mondry 1,114,803 15.88 14 08/25/18
16. Paul Kowalyszyn 1,094,335 15.59 14 06/03/16
17. Kevin Heideman 1,086,096 15.47 14 12/29/16
18. Will Tervay 1,077,368 15.34 14 08/25/18
19. Justin Kvithyll 1,074,133 15.30 14 02/21/18
20. James White 1,059,702 15.09 14 08/26/15
21. Tim Vanderkolk 1,058,259 15.07 14 12/30/16
22. David `DJ` Thorpe 1,049,517 14.95 14 10/21/15
23. Brian Holt 1,037,563 14.78 13 08/23/19
24. Mases Hagopian 1,034,663 14.74 13 12/30/16
25. Brian Kita 1,024,496 14.59 13 05/07/16
26. Jamie Tibbetts 996,736 14.20 13 05/06/16
27. Matt Walters 978,593 13.94 13 11/23/13
28. F Ochs 933,074 13.29 12 09/18/10
29. Chris Freeman 921,092 13.12 12 09/19/10
30. Jason Latko 912,758 13.00 12 05/06/16
31. Daniel Rezac 909,236 12.95 12 05/28/16
32. Matt Buchholz 903,776 12.87 12 08/25/18
33. Eric Shotton 893,992 12.73 12 11/27/15
34. Kevin Tooley 891,757 12.70 12 08/05/17
35. Rodney Minch 871,707 12.42 11 09/18/10
36. Keith Sheehan 865,318 12.32 11 05/07/16
37. Matt Rocco 859,674 12.24 11 11/23/13
38. Tim Vermeulen 858,418 12.23 11 12/15/17
39. Matt Burke 625,821 8.91 8 09/05/21
40. Nathan Gomez 596,999 8.50 8 08/13/16
41. William Willemstyn III 485,978 6.92 6 09/18/10
42. Mark Anderson 482,008 6.87 6 05/07/16
43. John Moody 480,046 6.84 6 08/25/19
44. Francisco de la Torre 473,691 6.75 6 08/25/18
45. Andrew Pare 468,259 6.67 6 08/05/17
46. Jon Klinkel 466,360 6.64 6 09/19/10
47. John Stuckert 462,836 6.59 6 05/06/16
48. Rahil Baxamusa 461,790 6.58 6 05/08/16
49. Gregory Janis 461,655 6.58 6 12/01/15
50. Andrew Kowalyszyn 451,946 6.44 6 07/11/15
51. Ross Haiges 450,655 6.42 6 07/11/24
52. Jeff Stellman 207,749 2.96 3 08/27/24
53. Fred DeHart 168,067 2.39 2 05/02/15
54. Chris Teter 155,208 2.21 2 05/02/15
55. Josh Zelinsky 148,292 2.11 2 05/03/15
56. Duncan Rainey 146,226 2.08 2 08/05/17
57. David Hernly 143,648 2.05 2 09/18/10
58. Vince Salas 140,114 2.00 2 07/11/15
59. Anthony Corona 133,856 1.91 2 05/02/15
60. Mike Rusch 133,022 1.89 2 05/02/15
61. Jason Hodges 126,936 1.81 2 05/02/15
62. Benjamin Jackson 125,680 1.79 2 05/02/15
63. Paul Humphreys 123,925 1.77 2 08/05/17
64. Lyssa Gomez 120,203 1.71 2 08/05/17
65. Daniel Lambert 119,481 1.70 2 05/02/15
66. Nathaniel Outcalt 114,197 1.63 1 08/05/17
67. Patrick Milnamow 112,671 1.60 1 07/11/15
68. Blake Ballard 107,106 1.53 1 05/02/15
69. Mcclain Pare 81,784 1.16 1 08/05/17
70. Ashley Roney 77,727 1.11 1 08/12/24
71. Nanette Gomez 74,270 1.06 1 08/05/17
72. Ben Stoner 74,267 1.06 1 07/25/24
73. Sean Quigley 71,202 1.01 1 05/29/18
74. Daniel Ashinoff 71,033 1.01 1 05/02/15
75. Noah Wiza 67,866 0.97 1 07/11/15
76. William Thornton 64,707 0.92 1 08/05/17
77. Oliver Kelso 61,184 0.87 1 08/05/17
78. Dominique Klinkel 58,762 0.84 1 09/19/10
79. steve sherman 56,342 0.80 1 08/05/17
80. Sean Courtney 52,267 0.74 1 05/09/15
81. Andre Rainey 50,424 0.72 1 08/05/17
82. Ben Gomez 42,584 0.61 1 07/11/15
83. Kate Crookham 40,196 0.57 1 08/05/17
84. Quentin Ivy 40,000 0.57 1 07/11/15
85. Tom Mack 20,337 0.29 1 08/25/18
86. Brandon Williams 15,025 0.21 1 08/05/17
87. Christopher Burt 9,796 0.14 1 08/05/17
88. Will Herd 7,090 0.10 1 05/02/15
89. Anderson Crookham 6,696 0.10 1 08/05/17
90. Hayden Crookham 5,546 0.08 1 08/05/17
91. Catherine Bozzi 3,260 0.05 1 07/07/24
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