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Forums   General Discussion  New arcade games in database
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Posts: 164
RE: New arcade games in database
on 7/11/2024 7:47:48 PM
Well if you're looking for a list of 1970s video will have to go to KLOV.


Posts: 664
RE: New arcade games in database
on 7/15/2024 5:03:11 PM
YuYuYuuki Wrote:
When will you find more 1970s video arcade games? Specifically those with raster graphics. Sorry if it sounds oddly specific, but the owner of the comic shop I go to was terrified by those games back in the day, and she likes to discover more of them now.

I find what I find.  If you look at the history of this thread, you'll discover there have been some newly discovered games that popped up here and there.
But what I find are brand new games that are not in the database already.  This thread is to highlight newly discovered games that were added to the database which heavily favors newly created games over long lost relics of the past.

Why don't you look up games we have already discovered?  Maybe there are some gems there for you to discover?  Just click "Browse Games" and filter by year.

Happy gaming!

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Forums   General Discussion  New arcade games in database