
Posts: 1
Trying to think of the name of a game ( your on a gameshow)
on 8/12/2020 6:39:05 AM
Can anyone please tell me the name of an arcade game. You were on a game show and you went room to room killing enemies. You gathered loot on the ground like money and you won big prizes. I was a master at this game but for the life of me after about 30 years I can't remember the name. I want to play it again. There was like a game show announcer that would talk during the game play.
I found it !! Smash TV GOD I wish someone would make a modern version of this game. I would spend hours playing it at the arcade. I have every path memorized

Posts: 7
RE: Trying to think of the name of a game ( your on a gameshow)
on 8/13/2020 12:21:10 PM
One of the classics by Eugene Jarvis and Williams. Although the game is hard as hecc.

Posts: 673
RE: Trying to think of the name of a game (you're on a gameshow)
on 8/22/2020 1:52:53 AM
Fun little tidbit. This game was in the 2014 Funspot tournament (the final one hosted by ACAM) as a side tournament. A representative of MagFest was on hand and all you had to do was beat his score on one credit and you would win a free pass to Magfest in Maryland the next year (you still had to pay for flight, hotel, etc). I was one of the few who did. Martin Bedard though... he either beat, or very nearly beat, the entire game on one credit!
They also made a sequel to this called Total Carnage.