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Forums   General Discussion  Can we get Richie Knucklez as a ref and be able to enter scores?
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Posts: 8
Can we get Richie Knucklez as a ref and be able to enter scores?
on 6/24/2019 5:07:40 PM
He contacted Doc and hasn't heard back. He's got a 65 in (or something like that) television on the wall, and a small tablet we can use to display stuff on it and control it. He's like to get it up and running with Aurcade. I saw what Doc had up at his place (although it's been years since I've been there) and it was super nice.

It would be better to be apart of something instead of starting another high score list from scratch. 


Posts: 164
RE: Can we get Richie Knucklez as a ref and be able to enter scores?
on 12/9/2019 9:38:56 PM
I'll get Doc's attention...


Posts: 164
RE: Can we get Richie Knucklez as a ref and be able to enter scores?
on 12/9/2019 11:14:19 PM
doesn't Richie already have Aurcade ref privileges?


Posts: 3
RE: Can we get Richie Knucklez as a ref and be able to enter scores?
on 1/15/2020 5:03:05 PM
I did, but I was absent for so long, I needed a refresher! We are back! I'll be updating our game lineup tonight.

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Forums   General Discussion  Can we get Richie Knucklez as a ref and be able to enter scores?