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Forums  Repair: Audio/Video  Arcade LCD monitor?
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Posts: 79
Arcade LCD monitor?
on 12/21/2010 10:46:10 AM
I'm sick of dealing with monitor issues and I'm tempted to make the jump to replace the CRT in my Jamma cab with a new LCD monitor like this one:

I know the purist are going to say it doesn't look and feel the same but for me actually having the whole game on the screen instead of having the far right part cut off is more important :)

Anyone have any experience with one of these? Do they like it?


Posts: 65
RE: Arcade LCD monitor?
on 12/21/2010 1:45:30 PM

I use that very same LCD on a few games at the Galloping Ghost Arcade. I'm really conflicted on them. They are REALLY easy to install in cabinets. It has the connector set up for exactly what is existing in the cabinet, so they plug in in seconds. They are super light, and nothing to shock yourself on. PLUS adjusting the screen is very easy (although I'm not a fan of their menu system)
On the down side, they are pricey, and the picture quality is not that of the original. On older games, I've seen some wavy lines in the screen, that seems like some sort of interference. The pixels appear to look TOO good and look too sharp on a lot of games.
Some games they look really nice on, while others...are only so so. I am very critical on our cabinets, but have had some die hard gamers say they didnt even notice the difference.
To me it really comes down to what game it is, if I would use one. What game are you looking to be using with it?



Galloping Ghost Arcade


Posts: 79
RE: Arcade LCD monitor?
on 12/21/2010 3:35:12 PM
I'm looking at putting it in a Jamma cab that I swap a lot of things in and out on. I'm definitely not trying to refurb a classic with it. :)

Is the difference in pixel sharpness similar to what it looks like playing games on a PC in MAME?


Posts: 65
RE: Arcade LCD monitor?
on 12/21/2010 10:04:59 PM
Yes, it is similar


Posts: 2
RE: Arcade LCD monitor?
on 11/2/2013 5:36:00 PM
I know I'm bumping a really old thread here...

When "narc" was using that lcd screen. it was great looking. There are a few games that translate well and narc was one of them. Others that had it i noticed the sharp pixels

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Forums  Repair: Audio/Video  Arcade LCD monitor?