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Posts: 673
Latest updates
on 8/19/2009 5:47:19 AM
I see that laserdisc games have their own category now, so I went and added a bunch of laserdisc games I remember playing over the years to the aurcade database. My local Dave n Busters has a multicade cabinet of such games made by the company American Laser Games. I also cleaned up the details of Dragon's Lair II:Time Warp.

Hopefully more people like me will remember these games and make an active search to find them. Perhaps other Dave n Busters have this same multicade cabinet and members just didn't know how to record it.

Happy gaming!


Posts: 31
RE: Latest updates
on 8/19/2009 8:20:58 PM
Yes, I noticed these changes too. I also like the new location type categories, like Laundromat. Laundromats are where a lot of the Ms. Pac / Galaga re-releases seem to be located at least in my area.


Posts: 673
RE: Latest updates
on 8/19/2009 11:07:14 PM
Gehn Wrote:
Yes, I noticed these changes too. I also like the new location type categories, like Laundromat. Laundromats are where a lot of the Ms. Pac / Galaga re-releases seem to be located at least in my area.

Yes, I like the new location type categories... except airport. I think having Airport before security and airport past security is unnecessary. We can just say airport, and then explain details like that in the field marked AREA when submitting locations.

I was very surprised to see Church in the category list, but sure enough, the church I go to has a Ms. Pacman/Galaga cocktail table... and set to free play no less.

I agree, it does make sense for Ms Pacman/Galaga to be in laudromats. The original PacMan is also secretly in those machines too.

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