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Posts: 666
New games at Dave n Busters
on 7/25/2009 1:46:54 AM
The newest games to hit my local dave n busters are:
Rambo (it was out of order the moment it hit the floor... still not working yet)
Guitar Hero Arcade (two cabinets here)
some shooter with a long title (it plays like Time Crisis 4, but the graphics are polished smooth like House of the Dead 4. Gameplay also resembles HOTD 4 with TC4 controls)


Posts: 11
RE: New games at Dave n Busters
on 7/25/2009 3:04:17 PM
That TC4 look-a-like is called Razing Storm.

Also as of July 24, two Nascar Racing cabinets arrived. One is working and the other is currently being worked on. They're both the giant Motion Platform as mentioned in

The Rambo machine is fully working as well.

If only that place got at least either an Ultracade or a Global VR Classics, then I can actually give extra business to that place other than on half-price Wednesdays.


Posts: 11
RE: New games at Dave n Busters
on 7/25/2009 3:05:39 PM
^-------- How in the world did I get automatically logged off while typing a message?

EDIT: Well it looks like it went from anonymous to my Username. Weird.


Posts: 132
RE: New games at Dave n Busters
on 7/25/2009 3:16:16 PM
That's interesting. I'll check out the code. It's new, after all :)

I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates

Posts: 666
RE: New games at Dave n Busters
on 7/27/2009 12:16:11 PM
Razing storm?
Seemed like it had a longer name than that, but yeah, that looks like the gameplay. Though the gameplay I saw of it looked more like Resident Evil or House of the Dead rather than Crisis Zone or Steel Gunner, that is the smooth graphics and the controls I mentioned so maybe that is it.

Well, I'll add this game to my Dave n Busters location.
I'm still curious as to how to name the American Laser Games multicade cabinet, or if the existing name I gave it is ok.

"There are 10 kinds of people in this world... those who understand binary and those who don't"


Posts: 666
RE: New games at Dave n Busters (what the heck is that?)
on 9/11/2009 5:27:28 PM
There's an arcade cabinet that doesn't have a name on it. It is a multicade machine that players sit inside a small red ball that moves up, down, and left to right.

Some of the games on this machine include:
Beach Head 2000 TsuMo Edition
Crimson Skies
Mechwarrior Vengance TsuMo Edition
some Star Wars naboo shooter
some helicopter shoooter... I think the name of it is Air Attack.

Anybody know what kind of cabinet this is? I saw it at Dave n Busters.


Posts: 4
RE: New games at Dave n Busters
on 9/11/2009 5:47:05 PM
The d + b in Pittsburgh got the same games a few weeks back.

2 Guitar Hero Arcade Cabs
Razing Storm


Posts: 666
RE: New games at Dave n Busters
on 10/30/2011 3:29:33 AM
Just wanted to let you guys know that your local Dave & Busters should have some brand new games in their lineup. A brand new game called Infinity Blade FX was supposed to debut at D&B locations all over this weekend. I wouldn't be surprised if the Frightmareland game is there too. My local D&B is STILL trying to recover from the May 2010 flood that devastated our megamall. They're hoping to have the mall restored by Spring 2012. :(

For you folks out in the Minneapolis area, Rusty Quarters arcade is weeks away from their grand opening! They really could use your support!


Posts: 666
RE: New games at Dave n Busters
on 1/2/2012 12:15:00 AM
I just visited my local Dave & Busters for the first time since they reopened from the big flood of May 2010 and I must say the gaming lineup is almost completely different. I encourage everybody that lives near a D&B to go visit it and bring back an updated list. Certain games to look for in the lineup.
Shh... Welcome to Frightmareland
Pac-Man Battle Royale (my D&B had a deluxe upright version instead of the standard tabletop version)
Infinity Blade FX
Fast and Furious Super Cars
Super Bikes 2
Wheel of Fortune (redemption)

Many many more to keep up with! Let's get out there!
Hope everyone has a great 2012!

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