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Forums   General Discussion  VAPS Upgrade
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Rob Ross

Posts: 196
VAPS Upgrade
on 2/10/2014 10:34:15 AM
Hey folks - I'm having problems using the VAPS area of KLOV and I guess it's because I need someone to verify me or something...get my account upgraded.

My username on there is TimeWarpArcade. Can anyone help me out with this please?

I'd also like to get on the NEACF forums, but I'm having the same problem. Need somebody to vouch for me. Mike Chase is trying with no word back yet. Anybody else around here have pull with NEACF?

For those who don't know, I'm buying games to possibly open my own barcade type business and being on some of these key forums really helps.


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Forums   General Discussion  VAPS Upgrade