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Rob Ross

Posts: 196
TGI Website
on 12/14/2013 9:02:54 PM
Can anyone provide information on what happened to Twin Galaxies? The site has been down for a very long time. More than "site maintenance" must be occurring. And does anyone know if it's coming back?


Posts: 19
RE: TGI Website
on 12/17/2013 12:20:48 AM
Wish I knew, every time I want to get back into a game or make a move on something the site is down and being redone or sold to someone.


Posts: 2
RE: TGI Website
on 12/18/2013 11:44:54 AM
The current owners of TGI had a falling out and separated as an entity. The web designing half took the social platform that TG was incorporating on the main site and started Those registered there (TG) probably received an email with an announcement. It's supposed to be a social gathering for gamers to share their accomplishments, uploads and uncensored opinions.

The other half of TGI owns the rights to the database of scores. The site is now redirecting to a landing page at Denver's 1-Up arcade.

There's some real-time drama surrounding the whole event playing out on some of the social media sites if you know where to look. I won't speculate beyond that because I'm sure there's more than 1 side to the story. It appears new management and yet another changing of the guard is imminent. I will say that I find it a shame to see hard earned, prestigious hi score records being cared for so poorly. Walter Day and all the people who have devoted their time and money to keep his vision alive deserve better. -J


Posts: 664
RE: TGI Website connected to Arcade Culture
on 12/19/2013 2:33:18 PM
I think perhaps some of these answers may come up on Friday's Arcade Culture episode.

I do have a few suggestions.
Do not make it a ranting match. Give them a chance to speak their side.
After he's explained everything. Move on. We want him to come back and make more episodes and he's not gonna be motivated to do so if he thinks all we'll do is rehash the same old arguments.

Gosh I so wish I didn't have to work during this time. I would be all over watching this.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: TGI Website
on 1/4/2014 9:25:05 AM
Is there a link to that Arcade Culture episode?

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: TGI Website
on 1/20/2014 1:12:11 PM
Does anybody have any clue when Twin Galaxies will have their website up? What is the latest info? Has Richie said anything?


Posts: 39
RE: TGI Website
on 1/20/2014 6:28:50 PM
Rob Ross Wrote:
Does anybody have any clue when Twin Galaxies will have their website up? What is the latest info? Has Richie said anything?

Hey Rob, happy new year on MLK Day! Pac-Man I'm not sure what's up with Twin Galaxies. It sounds like the organization's been clouded with politics recently. I remember reading somewhere online that folks who are in the know are not stepping forward PinkyInkyBlinkySue

Here's a link to one of the archived segments of the 12/20/13 Arcade Culture. I'm not sure if this is the start or not:

Have a good one, and before I forget, congrats on the new world record in Super Sprint, amazing run! Pac-Man


Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: TGI Website
on 1/20/2014 9:02:52 PM
Thanks Duc for the link.....gonna check it out tonight. I wanna search scores on TGI and not being able to is getting on my nerves. I've heard of other sites, but TGI was my favourite.

And thanks for the Super Sprint props. I picked up my own SS cab recently and will fix it up this summer to go after a 35k score.


Posts: 5
RE: TGI Website
on 1/21/2014 2:19:13 PM
If you just want to search TG scores, you could try It's a site that has an aggregated database of scores that's based on webcrawling other score sites and collecting their scores. It has a fairly complete set of the TG scores from before the site went down.


Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: TGI Website
on 1/21/2014 6:43:33 PM
Thanks big time George. I couldn't remember champow for the life of me.


Posts: 3
RE: TGI Website
on 2/8/2014 11:09:03 PM
Champow is missing some of the Data from TG. They have majority, but there are missing scores here and there. Ask me if needed I have a backup to a certain day.


Posts: 1
RE: TGI Website
on 3/6/2014 7:28:06 PM
Hi gstrain and friends!

Yes, ChamPOW is a nice place to look at this moment, despite it's not a complete set of TG data, it has most part of them, and the next step seems to be the addition of MARP and other sources.


Posts: 1
RE: TGI Website
on 3/7/2014 4:45:06 PM
I am Freeko, I know all. That is all.

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