Posts: 2
Similar project in Europe?
on 9/5/2013 4:37:29 AM
Greetings, i really like your web and whole project, it is awasome arcades database (Locations). Do you know about similar project like this also in Europe? I have a museum in Czech Republic called Arcade Hry ( and on the Old Continent are just a few retro gamehalls. Thank you for any info, thanks. Jan Orna
Posts: 671
RE: Similar project in Europe?
on 9/5/2013 3:45:12 PM
First off, let me welcome you to Aurcade. {O} I am not aware of any specific database, however I know they exist. I do know of Pinsider which focuses on pinball machines. I also know of another database that focuses on private collections in people's basements and the sort. I am sure there are several other databases out there of various degrees of detailed information. I guess what sets us apart from most others is that this is much more than just a database. It perhaps started out as such, but over time, it added a tablet friendly tournament engine, streaming content, forums, and posting official scores. I oversee the database portion of it and do my best to keep that as up to date as possible. Hopefully we'll add your country to the database so I can add your location soon. Thank you and welcome! :)
Posts: 2
RE: Similar project in Europe?
on 9/9/2013 9:58:24 AM
Yes i see, but arcade locations are a great idea. It is easy to get there for everybody. I understand there is a lot of work behind all of this. Thank you for keeping this informations up to date, i really appreciate this. I will be watching and supporting you. Thanks!
Posts: 1
RE: Similar project in Europe?
on 9/10/2013 6:39:36 AM