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Forums  Repair: Other  Joystick Replacement for the X-Arcade Tankstick
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Posts: 2
Joystick Replacement for the X-Arcade Tankstick
on 8/6/2013 9:52:38 PM
Can anyone recommend a high quality short ball top joystick that I can use to replace the standard joysticks that are installed on the X-Arcade Tankstick? Thanks for your help.



Posts: 103
RE: Joystick Replacement for the X-Arcade Tankstick
on 8/6/2013 11:28:42 PM
Hey Josh, if you are looking for a 4 way for Dig Dug practice there are no good aftermarket joystick. You'll want to find a good working 4 way WICO on eBay of KLOV. It will mount right up.

Alternativly you can get a 4 way restricter plate from GrooveGameGear and install in on the xarcasde stick.

It says its for the happ super but it does work on the xarcade sticks.


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Forums  Repair: Other  Joystick Replacement for the X-Arcade Tankstick