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Rob Ross

Posts: 196
Brew Crew Disbanded
on 6/4/2013 7:41:56 PM
Okay, the name Brew Crew for our little drinking group was a spur-of-the-moment beta 1.0 name. It had promise, was kinda catchy, but didn't have any wow factor.

However, friends (and foes) I've had time to think and lo and behold I've renamed us.............wait for it..........THE LEGION OF DOOM.

It has that 70's retro vibe and we can each be a character. Oh, hold on. Robbie you should probably flip over to Google and search for Legion of Doom. I'll wait.


Done Robbie? Good.

So here's how our alter ego super villain personas would play out.

Robbie Lakeman - Cheetah - just kidding - you're Scarecrow (make some fear gas)
Mike O'Neill - Bizarro (you come from Bizarro World aka Meredith, NH)
Aaron Laberge - Sinestro (you will need a yellow power ring - check the Lido)
Mike Chase - Brainiac (has the super intelligence of the group)
Nathan Gallagher - Captain Cold (buy a freeze ray at Walmart and learn to use it)
Jeffrey Toyes - Toyman (works so good with your last name I couldnt resist)
Josh Bicknell - Grodd (has the same good gorilla looks)
Mike Bicknell - Solomon Grundy (has the size)
Jules Lawton - Lex Luthor (has the haircut)
Rob Ross - Black Manta (so I can be racist and get away with it)

Go here to see your description and super power:

Our group plots our evil plans from a fortress in a swamp (Funspot) and we battle a group of goody goodies (Cheat Elite) for ultimate supremacy of the universe.

I've included a link below summarizing our struggle:

Any questions?


Posts: 19
RE: Brew Crew Disbanded
on 6/4/2013 11:28:22 PM
Not quite sure I want to be a gorilla...


Posts: 49
RE: Brew Crew Disbanded
on 6/5/2013 2:16:16 AM
I'll take the Brew Crew moniker. I brew beer and many of my friends are craft beer enthusiasts. Seattle Rules OK!



Posts: 0
RE: Brew Crew Disbanded
on 6/5/2013 7:45:22 AM
Hahaha, awesome.

I've certainly got the weird sinistro widow's peak going on.


Posts: 157
RE: Brew Crew Disbanded
on 6/5/2013 9:03:14 AM
The Legion of Doom was a front line for the Flyers in the mid 90s featuring Eric Lindros. I know my stuff. But since we are referring to the villains from the Super Friends, then I would make a very good Scarecrow. I will work on the fear gas, I just need two liter bottles of Cherry Coke and it will take no time.



Posts: 0
RE: Brew Crew Disbanded
on 6/5/2013 5:50:42 PM
Ask Kelly Flewin if you can borrow some of his, I'm sure he has a good stock.

Rob Ross

Posts: 196
RE: Brew Crew Disbanded
on 6/5/2013 8:44:49 PM
A possible date for me coming back to Funspot is.......

Friday November 1

It's a long way off, but keep your schedules clear.


Posts: 67
RE: Brew Crew Disbanded
on 6/5/2013 9:23:44 PM
Obviously Bizzaro will be there

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