
Posts: 25
Virtual On...
on 7/21/2009 8:46:21 PM
Hello everyone! I was just wondering if anyone could help me out here. I've been looking for an original two player cab either shipped or locally in good condition for about a year now to no avail. Virginia/NC/DC/ area is preferable, but I'm up for a drive if necessary. If anybody knows where one is to play, either, I'd love to do that as well... It's been seven years since I've been able to play the now missing one at Skatetown, and that's seven years too many. Thanks!

Posts: 132
RE: Virtual On...
on 7/23/2009 2:13:12 PM
Like I mentioned in the chat room, I'll keep an eye out for you. It's a great game.
I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates

Posts: 673
RE: Virtual On...
on 7/24/2009 11:42:44 PM
There is a SINGLE player sit down cabinet of Virtual On in a nearby arcade here. Game Galaxy inside Hickory Hollow Mall in Antioch, TN. I also think this cabinet may be for sale.
(at least it was there the last time I visited in June 2009)
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker was also there at the time... wonder if they have sold that cabinet as a result of MJ's death?

Posts: 673
RE: Virtual On...
on 9/1/2009 3:59:34 PM
Nashvillan Wrote: There is a SINGLE player sit down cabinet of Virtual On in a nearby arcade here. Game Galaxy inside Hickory Hollow Mall in Antioch, TN. I also think this cabinet may be for sale.
(at least it was there the last time I visited in June 2009)
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker was also there at the time... wonder if they have sold that cabinet as a result of MJ's death? |
This location has received a 2nd cabinet of Virtual On and has linked the two together. So now Game Galaxy has 2 Virtual On cabinets. Game Galaxy sells cabinets, so if you're still looking, this may be a good opportunity to get in touch with them if you're up for a drive to Nashville.

Posts: 3
RE: Virtual On...
on 9/9/2009 3:57:05 PM
i remember there being one at UVA's arcade in about 2004-ish. might want to call and see if they want to sell.

Posts: 25
RE: Virtual On...
on 10/24/2009 12:56:46 PM
Hey, just wanted to update for anyone still on the lookout I finally got one on Wednesday! Huge thanks to Auric again for hooking me up. Now to beat the 00:09:49 no deaths run by Viper II on the high score list...

Posts: 25
RE: Virtual On...
on 10/24/2009 5:01:05 PM
 Sorry, forgot to add this in the other post. Here's a picture of it up and running in the garage. It wouldn't fit through the door of the Fygarcade :P

Posts: 673
Virtual On cabinet
on 10/24/2009 6:52:48 PM
Nice job.
It looks like the one at Game Galaxy looks more like a TMek cabinet... sortof. Your cabinet seems bigger and more upright for a sitdown. There's a clip of it on youtube if you want to see it for yourself. Keyword search "Nashville's last arcade"

Posts: 25
RE: Virtual On...
on 10/24/2009 9:33:56 PM
Very intriguing, thanks for pointing that out. I know they made a different version for Japan and Britain too, perhaps it's the Japanese version? The British version has a larger marquee that streches the whole cab like a banner as well as a green VS button and the Japanese version has a glass divider and is more petite in general, although not very reliable in an arcade environment due to being far more fragile. I know mine is the American version, and so was the one I played before. Aside from mild cabinet differences they are identical in gameplay and function. Also, Photobucket didn't like the pic so here's a higher quality version of mine:

Posts: 132
RE: Virtual On...
on 10/25/2009 11:35:50 AM
Should be very easy to fix the light on the left. 99.9% of the time it's just a 18' 15w Fluorescent bulb.
You'll need to set a record on it now that you have the machine.
I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates

Posts: 673
Virtual On Cabinets
on 10/25/2009 11:48:43 AM
Hmm... I have studied your picture and the youtube clip and it looks like the two cabinets are similar in design except that the one in the youtube clip seems... well.... lower to the ground. Also yours look spread apart and the video clearly has them close together. Don't know what to say.

Posts: 25
RE: Virtual On...
on 11/4/2009 3:29:50 PM
Yeah, Nashvillain, I think that is all of it. The leg levelers are set up very high and the cabinet isn't fully bolted together yet as I need to connect one of the optical cables in between first and I may need to relocate it soon, so I have it in two pieces put together at the moment.
And thanks Auric, that's good to know. I thought it was a starter but upon further inspection it does appear to be the florescent itself. I actually have a spare from a Pole Position that I thought needed one but just had a short so it should be a VERY easy fix!
Also, I finally beat the record yesterday. Previous was by JGF (sound familiar to anyone? XD) as Viper II and was actually 9min 21sec, not 49sec with no deaths. I somehow managed to get 6min 10sec as Dorkas yesterday, though, no deaths on factory settings. I've got down easy starting patterns for most of the AI now, so a lot of that was done with cheap exploitations :P
Also, this machine appears to have been originally owned by a company called ON Amusements. A Virtual On by ON Amusements. I don't know, I thought it was funny XD
My next goal is to beat his wins record. JGF also has a 10 wins 0 deaths record, while mine from this run was 9 wins 0 deaths. To beat (well, tie, being the highest factory settings allows) this means slowing down and taking over three minutes to beat the first five Virtuaroids, therefore summoning Jaguarandi and beating him without dying to get the tenth win... problem is, Jaguarandi is complicated and I can never seem to find a good strategy against him as he takes up about one fourth of the arena :\ I can beat him if I let him kill me and continue, as it shrinks him and cuts down his HP, but that's about it. I'll need to practice I guess.
One last note of interest is that in the Sound Test mode, the narrator says "Zeee-gratt" and "Jog-yew-a-rahndeeeee" the same way it does when you pick a playable character. Although it's been confirmed you cannot unlock either in the arcade version, there is one feature I can't figure out. After being Z-Gradt and destroying the sun cannon, in the end it shows your Virtuaroid's corpse floating in space. I had read a rumor that if you spin the sticks clockwise fast enough, a spaceship zooms by and whisks them to earth. The thing is, it actually works o_o supposedly in the Saturn version you unlock a stage select but I can't figure out what it does here. I'll keep messing with it though!