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Posts: 1
HELP - Trying to find the name of an old arcade game
on 12/5/2009 5:11:24 PM
There was an arcade game that was probably release during 80s-90s.

In that game you managed 4 different characters

1) A boy with a Hammer
2) A girl with a Hammer
3) A fat boy with a Hammer
4) An old man with a cane

You could swap characters during the game when you walked into a door (i think).
I don't remember much more about this game.

Anyone can help me with the name of this game?

Any help would be appreciated.


Posts: 132
RE: HELP - Trying to find the name of an old arcade game
on 12/6/2009 9:35:26 PM
Wow. I can't say it rings a bell to me. I'll give it some thought.

I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates

Posts: 1
RE: HELP - Trying to find the name of an old arcade game
on 1/3/2010 9:58:43 PM
It's Psychic 5'.

Thanks to BBH from MARP who told me.



Posts: 675
Arcade differences?
on 2/4/2011 7:53:55 AM
I recently stumbled across a location that has a Daytona USA: Limited Edition. When I went to research this game, KLOV showed me a "Special Edition", but no "Limited Edition". I dug deeper and found the arcade flyers for both Limited and Special. They look identical except for the title.
Is there any difference between Daytona USA: Limited Edition and Daytona USA: Special Edition? I wanted an opinion before I added this one to the database.


Posts: 675
HELP - Trying to find the name of an old arcade game
on 7/22/2011 12:22:35 AM
I remember playing an arcade game years ago that involved animal like humanoids that carried a trident or forked spear or something like that. They would invade an Asian fortress and defeat the bad guys inside. Once inside the fortress, you could freely jump up to higher levels or down to lower levels. When you defeat the enemies, most would leave behind a magic spell of sorts which you could collect and power up your special ability just that one time. Each character had specific special abilities. After you defeat all the small enemies, a flash of purple lightening would reveal the boss of that fortress. One of the characters kind of resembles a walking upright cartoony hawk character and I think he carries a spear with a moon symbol attached to it. This gives him the ability to pick up and throw smaller enemies around. There are three different characters and two of the three can play at a time (player 1 & 2). If you beat the boss, you move on to the next oriental fortress. I think the boss of the 2nd fortress is a young boy that wields dual scimitars and boy do they hurt! I can't think of the name of this game. Any help out there? It came out in the mid 1980s. Probably about the same time as Haunted Castle but definitely before Vigilante.

marky d

Posts: 60
RE: HELP - Trying to find the name of an old arcade game
on 7/22/2011 1:07:08 AM
Okay, I *think* it is "China Gate". I used to play this one a lot since I seem to remember that you could get a lot of time for your quarter, and it was quite fun. Kinda had a Double Dragon feel to it, and I think it was from the same manufacturer. You mentioned "hawk" and "trident" and that sparked a memory. For some reason I can never remember the name of the game, but after a little research, I found it.

If this isn't the game, sorry!


Posts: 675
China Gate
on 7/22/2011 1:19:43 AM
Yes! That's it!
I don't remember it being such a common name like that, but yes, that's the game.

Strange. KLOV says it is made by Technos, but the attract screen says it is made by Taito and licensed to Romstar. Furthermore, the Arcade Flyer page says it is made by Romstar but in fine print it says "Licensed from Taito"

And yes, you're right, it did have a similar feel to Double Dragon except when you got hit by that little boy's giant swords.

marky d

Posts: 60
RE: HELP - Trying to find the name of an old arcade game
on 7/22/2011 1:23:52 AM
Yeah, I used to always play as the pig with the trident. I used to use a jumping then stabbing down move that seemed to be quite effective. The hawk had a hook-type weopan, and I think the monkey had some stick with a ball at the end of it. I don't think this game was very common, but it was very fun!

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