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Posts: 79
Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 6/10/2011 11:47:22 PM
It's time to turn an idea into reality with the first season of the Mame streaming league. This has the potential to be a fun experience for everyone as we learn how to turn our online streaming into a fun and competitive experience. Without further ado here is the latest info:

Player Gaming Requirements

There are no requirements on skill levels or proficiency at any of the games. Players just need to be willing to play games, compete fairly and have fun.

Player Technical Requirements

Players must:

1. Be able to run Mame 0.106. This isn't the latest version of Mame but it seems to be the lowest common denominator and something that most people run due to TG using it.
2. Be able to stream live on or UStream. You can use either screen casting or using a web camera but the score should be visible to anyone watching the stream if at all possible since we want this to be an event that is fun and exciting to watch. Screen casting provides the clearest view of the screen but I understand this maybe not be possible for everyone.
3. Be able to load and use Mame save states. A number of games will utilize save states to set the game to a given level/settings. You will need to be able to receive a set of game states and be able to use them during the competition.
4. Have an account on Aurcade that includes their streaming channel. We will be utilizing Aurcade for broadcasts and this will allow us to use the shared streaming page.

Player Availability Requirements

The current planned game times are as follows:

Week 1: Saturday July 2nd, 7:30pm Pacific / 10:30pm Eastern
Week 2: Saturday July 16th, 7:30pm Pacific / 10:30pm Eastern
Week 3: Saturday July 23rd, 7:30pm Pacific / 10:30pm Eastern
Week 4: Saturday August 13th, 7:30pm Pacific / 10:30pm Eastern

EDIT: Dates edited to remove conflict with Richie Knucklez Invitational

Players must be able to commit to attending at least 3 of the 4 weeks. Things do come up but we're looking for people willing to do their best to show up. This time is also not ideal for either west coast or east coast players (let alone anyone from Europe) but it's an attempt to find a middle ground that will hopefully work for most. If there is a big outcry against these dates/times and everyone can magically agree on something new I will look into changing them but I don't want to start a big thread/debate where people argue about dates but still can't come to an agreement. If you can't make these times there will hopefully be other seasons in the future that you can play in.

The Teams

To help build comradery and to ensure we don't get into East vs West or X vs Y battles I will be setting the teams pseudo randomly. That means I will do my best to pick random teams with people of similar skills on both sides. This gives a chance for everyone to meet new people and hopefully have some close competitions.

The Games

So what games will you be playing? Once the teams are set I will send out a list of 24 games complete with romset names and settings. From those 24 games 3 games will be picked for each week which means 12 of the 24 games will eventually be used. You can practice the whole time but you'll never know which 12 to practice :) The 24 games will be picked almost exclusively from classic era greats. We can look into themed seasons in the future but to start off we're going to be playing classics!


Players are allowed to use any form of control panel of their choosing/making. If you can find a way to arrange controls such that it gives you an advantage at a game then all the power to you. Since mame records are verified by INP no one really knows what controller people use. As long as you're not using Mame cheats it's all good.

How do I join?

If you're still interested after reading this message then email me at (mamestreaming at gmail dot com) before Saturday, June 18th. As long as we have more than 6 players then we'll be a go for the first season of the league. At that point I'll send out the pool of 24 games along with some more information.


Posts: 79
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 6/17/2011 4:03:45 PM
One more call for more players. We currently need a couple more to make sure we have enough players each week. If you can't commit to 3 events but think you should be able to make a couple then sign up anyways. We'll make it work by shuffling subs around if needed. For this first season the most important thing is figuring out how to make the work flow work.

To get everyone excited about playing here's 6 out of the 24 games that will be in the game pool for season 1. All classics that we love:

Donkey Kong
Robotron 2084
Space Invaders

Imagine what great games are in the other 18! Reply here or email to join! mamestreaming (at) gmail (dot) com.


Posts: 1
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 6/17/2011 5:45:22 PM
This is an absolutely brilliant idea!


Posts: 79
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 6/17/2011 6:42:09 PM
timepilot2084 Wrote:
This is an absolutely brilliant idea!

Join up! :)


Posts: 61
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 6/19/2011 12:33:13 PM
I allready signed up but now seeing these choice games I would like sign up again


Posts: 79
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 6/19/2011 8:36:02 PM
Well we are cutting it close on the number of players but we have enough to make it work. I'll leave the door open for anyone who wants to participate as a sub. First round match is on July 2nd and I'll be releasing more information as we get closer but in the meantime here is the complete pool of 24 games along with settings. Get practicing everyone!

ROMSet: Asteroid
Service Mode: Off
Lives: 3

Starting lives = 3
1st extra at 5K, 2nd at 10K
FAST bullets
Complete game

ROMSet: BTime
Service Mode: Off
Cross Hatch Pattern: Off
Lives: 3
Bonus life: 20000
Enemies: 4
End Of Level Pepper: Yes
Unknown: Off [All]

ROMSet: Centiped
Service Mode: Off
Lives: 3
Bonus Life: Every 12,000 points
Difficulty: Hard

ROMSet: Defender
Starting ships: 5
Number of ships is game adjustment 09 [set to 5]
Bonus ship level is game adjustment 08 [set to 0]
All other game adjustments should be default.

Donkey Kong
ROMSet: DKong
Lives: 3
Bonus life: 7000

Elevator Action
ROMSet: Elevator
Bonus Life: 10000
Free Play: Off
Lives: 3
Unknown: Off [All]
Flip Screen: Off
Difficulty: Hard
Invulnerability [Cheat]: Off

ROMSet: Frogger
Lives: 5
Cabinet: Upright

ROMSet: Galaxian
Cabinet: Upright
Service Mode: Off
Bonus Life: 7,000
Lives: 3
Unused: Off

ROMSet: Gorf
Service Mode: Off
Lives Per Credit: 3
Bonus Life: Mission 5
Free Play: Off

ROMSet: Joust

Internal Settings
Extra Men Every: 0000
Men For 1 Credit Game: 5
Difficulty of Play: 5

Lunar Lander
ROMSet: LLander
Service Mode: Off
Language: English
Fuel Units: 750

Mario Bros.
ROMSet: Mario
Lives: 3
Bonus Life: 20000
Difficulty: Hard
In MAME 1.06 the dip switches are backwards for MEDIUM & HARD. MEDIUM is actually HARD and HARD is actually MEDIUM

Ms. Pacman Turbo
ROMSet: MsPacMnF
Rack Test [Cheat]: Off
Service Mode: Off
Cabinet: Upright
Lives: 3
Bonus Life: 10000
Difficulty: Normal
2x Speed Cheat: Disabled

Omega Race
ROMSet: OmegRace
1st Bonus Life: 50k
2nd & 3rd Bonus Life: 150k 250k
Credit(s)/Ships: 1C/3S 2C/7S
Unused: On [Both]
Free Play: Off
Cabinet: Upright
Service Mode: Off

ROMSet: Pengo
Bonus Life: 30000
Cabinet: Upright
Lives: 5
Rack Test [Cheat]: Off
Difficulty: Medium

ROMSet: Pooyan
Lives: 3
Cabinet: Upright
Bonus Life: 50K 80K+
Difficulty: 1 [Easy]

ROMSet: Popeye
Unknown: Off
Copyright: Nintendo
Lives: 3
Difficulty: Easy
Bonus Life: 40000
Cabinet: Upright

Rally X
ROMSet: RallyX
Cabinet: Urpight
Difficulty: 3 Cars, Medium [Rank B]
Bonus Life: 20000
Service Mode: Off

Robotron 2084
ROMSet: Robotron

Internal Settings
Extra Man: 0 No Extra Men
Turns Per Player: 5
Fancy Attract Mode: Yes
Difficulty Of Play: 5 Recommended

Space Invaders
ROMSet: Invaders
Lives: 3
Bonus Life: 1500
cabinet: Upright

Time Pilot
ROMSet: TimePlt
Lives: 3
Cabinet: Upright
Difficulty: 3
Bonus: 20000 60000
Difficulty: 8 [Hardest]

Track and Field
ROMSet: TrackFld
Lives: 1
After Last Event: Game Over
Cabinet: Upright
Bonus Life: 100000
World Records: Erase On Reset
Difficulty: Normal

Zoo Keeper
ROMSet: ZooKeep

Dip Switches/Service Mode are Activated via using F1 and virtually all these settings are the default displayed

Initial Number of Keepers: 3
High Score Enable: 1
Cocktail Table Mode: 0
Novice Animal Speed: 39
Expert Animal Speed: 30
No Hit Mode: 0
Free Game Rate: 0


Posts: 103
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 6/22/2011 11:03:12 AM
This should be fun. I dont HAVE to play on MAME if I have a machine right?



Posts: 79
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 6/22/2011 11:57:32 AM
If you can find a way to load a save state into your arcade machine then you're allowed to play on the original cabinet as long as you still are using the original power supply. 5.1v is for cheaters!

:P :)


Posts: 103
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 6/22/2011 4:20:36 PM
I got your 5.1v hangin


Posts: 79
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 6/22/2011 5:29:17 PM

In all seriousness I'd be open to letting people play on an original cab if they have one. It's against the name of the League but really the League is just about a friendly team streaming competition. Mame allows more people to join in.


Posts: 103
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 6/23/2011 11:42:13 AM
I'd rather play on my machines if I can. If there is any saved state requirements I'm sure I can fire that up on the mame cab or the PC with the XArcade, but t&f is much better on the cab!


Posts: 79
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 7/2/2011 12:22:19 PM
Reminder match #1 is tonight.

- It's going to be a bit chaotic as we figure stuff out so please be patient. Everyone who participates should feel a little like a pioneer and know that you're helping out future generations of Streaming League gamers

- I was hoping to use one of the streaming pages at Aurcade as the central meeting place for the event but I haven't heard back from Auric yet if that's going to be possible. If not then meet in my streaming channel.

- We're going to try to use TeamSpeak as well so we can all chat/trash talk/etc.

1.) Download Teamspeak version 2.0 -->

2.) Connection, Connect, Add server by right-clicking, name server whatever, labeled whatever, server address, nickname yournamehere, anonymous, server password caguser.


Posts: 79
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 7/3/2011 12:48:18 PM
Week 1 went as well as could be expected. It took us a little while to work through some technical issues along with waiting for one competitor to take something outside but once we got into the games things ran fairly smoothly. We had 4 competitors making up the teams:

Zerst and Billhouse


Redelf and MarkyD

All three games were close and ended in 1-1 ties so we had to resolve everything in a tiebreaker game of Zoo Keeper.

Rally X
Zerst over Redelf (49270 - 33560)
MarkyD over Billhouse (40500 - 3100)

Space Invaders
Redelf over Billhouse (3180 - 2240)
Zerst over MarkyD (3740 - 2700)

Zoo Keeper
MarkyD over Billhouse (358380+ - 128520)
Zerst over Redelf (80000+ - 30000)

Tie Breaker (Zoo Keeper)
Zerst over Markyd (944130 - 282150)

Observations from week 1:
- There is a big difference between head to head live play versus having a million restarts by yourself. Bill had a horrible game of Rally-X but easily put up 10x that score in a second game after it was too late. In the tie breaker game both competitors had early deaths that maybe wouldn't have happen had the pressure not been on.
- Making sure you have a working setup for all the games in key. Johnny Mac had problems with Zoo Keeper because he was playing on an 8 way joystick which is nearly impossible for that game.
- TeamSpeak is necessary for all competitors. It really helps to be able to talk to get things setup on synchronize things.

All in all not a bad first run. We were really late getting started and didn't start gaming until well after 8 but were done by 9:30. Hopefully we'll be able to speed that up even more.


Posts: 61
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 7/7/2011 2:02:38 AM
Stupid Zoo Keeper and it's 4 way only joysticks, wouldn't have mattered much
anyways as I'm not very good at controlling animals :)

Your commentary was getting better as the matches progressed John so keep
up the good work, I look forward to the next session.


Posts: 61
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 7/11/2011 11:56:57 PM
I don't have time for gaming anymore :(
All I do now is work at my new job :(
Leave at 6:15am return home at 7:00 or so, eat dinner
relax and then go to bed.

Not sure if I will be able to play this Friday.


Posts: 79
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 7/12/2011 9:29:45 AM
Well that sucks but it's great news. Where did you end up getting a gig?


Posts: 61
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 7/12/2011 11:25:47 PM
A really great place I think,
Argens 84 Main St. Downtown Seattle


Posts: 79
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 7/13/2011 10:13:16 PM
I'm afraid that a family commitment has come up for my this Saturday so I'm going to need to reschedule this week's event. We'll target Saturday July 23rd, 7:30pm Pacific / 10:30pm Eastern as the next event and figure it out from there.

I apologize for and inconvenience this causes everyone.



Posts: 229
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 7/22/2011 10:38:06 AM
Tomorrow should work for me. Rally the troops!


Posts: 79
RE: Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
on 7/22/2011 11:09:08 PM
Putting the call out for participants for week 2. Bill can you make a similar post at CAGDC?

Meet up at the following link at 7:30 Pacific:

I'm actually in a cabin in the woods near Mount St. Helens for the weekend but magically enough it has a decent internet connection so I'll be the host with the most.


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Forums   General Discussion  Mame Streaming League Summer 2011 - Call for Players
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Alex Leora
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