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Posts: 1
Profile View Adjustments
on 6/9/2011 2:33:02 PM
i would like to delete an arcade game that i own, which i listed in my profile. currently, i have the option to ADD fields, but no way to delete (or make changes to) existing ones. there something i am missing?!
thanks for your time and assistance!


Posts: 103
RE: Profile View Adjustments
on 6/9/2011 2:42:13 PM
In your profile hit the pencil on the left of the game you want to remove then in the upper right corner you'll see 'delete this item'

Hope this helps


Posts: 132
RE: Profile View Adjustments
on 6/9/2011 2:44:40 PM
Thanks Ken, you beat me too it! :)

I drank WHAT!?! - Socrates
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