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Donkey Kong Junior

These are the current standings for the tournament.

Rank Player Score Points Tokens Achieved
1. Mike Kasper 586,600 1.00 35 03/09/13
2. Steve Wagner 544,700 2.00 33 03/09/13
3. Sam McNear 516,300 3.00 31 03/09/13
4. Donald Hayes 498,700 4.00 30 03/09/13
5. Hank Chien 480,000 5.00 29 03/09/13
6. Jason Cram 449,600 6.00 27 03/09/13
7. Bryan Wagner 221,000 7.00 13 03/10/13
8. Matt Hall 156,000 8.00 9 03/09/13
9. Ed Palamar 136,300 9.00 8 03/09/13
10. Ken House 109,300 10.00 7 03/10/13
11. David Nelson 102,900 11.00 6 03/10/13
12. George Leutz 102,100 12.00 6 03/10/13
13. Ross Benziger 92,800 13.00 6 03/10/13
14. Daniel Desjardins 89,700 14.00 5 03/10/13
15. Sam Miller 83,800 15.00 5 03/10/13
16. John McAllister 72,400 16.00 4 03/10/13
17. Joshua Lombay 67,700 17.00 4 03/09/13
18. Dan Corcoran 52,300 18.00 3 03/09/13
19. Andy Wagner 48,950 19.00 3 03/09/13
20. Chris Mansfield 46,400 20.00 3 03/09/13
21. Perry Rodgers 40,600 21.00 2 03/10/13
22. William Carlton 37,100 22.00 2 03/10/13
23. Mark Michaels 35,300 23.00 2 03/09/13
24. Jeff H 34,400 24.00 2 03/10/13
25. Elijah McNear 33,500 25.00 2 03/10/13
26. Jenn Moore 21,900 26.00 1 03/10/13
27. Christopher Donahue 18,100 27.00 1 03/09/13
28. David Gubernot 15,800 28.00 1 03/09/13
29. Youmee Im 15,400 29.00 1 03/09/13
30. Brandon Zyxnfryx 7,200 30.00 1 03/09/13
31. Eric Swidler 6,800 31.00 1 03/10/13
32. Ethan Kling 5,600 32.00 1 03/09/13
33. Mark Tausanovitch 2,800 33.00 1 03/10/13
33. Grant Thienemann 2,800 33.00 1 03/09/13
35. Nick Tausanovitch 1,600 35.00 1 03/10/13
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Andrew Iwaszko
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