Space Duel: Points [2 Player]
Game: Space Duel
Platform: Arcade
Name: Points [2 Player]

Required Settings
Settings of 8-Toggle Switch on Space Duel Game PCB (At D4)

1-8 = OFF

Settings of 8-Toggle Switch on Space Duel Game PCB (At B4)

1-8 = OFF

Settings of 4-Toggle Switch on Space Duel Game PCB (At P10/11)

1 = ON/OFF
2 = ON
3-4 = OFF

4 Ships Per Game
Normal Game Difficulty
Bonus Life Granted At 10,000 Points

Special Rules: 2 Player Only Variation, Double Ship Style

No Additional Rules
These scores were attained using the above settings.

Rank Player Score % Tokens Achieved
There Are Scores Listed