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Forums   General Discussion  how do we add to the location listing?
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Posts: 3
how do we add to the location listing?
on 10/4/2010 5:03:01 PM
how do we add to the location listing?

I scouted a couple places around Detroit.


Posts: 666
RE: how do we add to the location listing?
on 10/4/2010 8:54:03 PM
If you look under the very first General Discussion forum board at the top of the page, there's a thread in there someone has already posted about asking how to add arcades to this database.
We're glad to have you on board! Just remember these key points.
>Exact name of the business.
>Exact name of the game.
>Number of players that game can play at the same time.
>Style of cabinet (Upright or Sitdown are most common)
>Any notes you can think of regarding the condition of the game. (like whether a joystick is loose or a screen is fuzzy)

If you run across a game that is not in the database, let me know and I'll fix it for you.


Posts: 19
RE: how do we add to the location listing?
on 3/14/2011 11:07:01 AM
What about updating a location? I went to a bar last weekend that has been added but they've totally rotated out their pinball collection so I want to remove the old games [or mark them as removed] and add the new games.


Posts: 666
RE: how do we add to the location listing?
on 3/15/2011 3:08:42 AM
tmbr_wulf Wrote:
What about updating a location? I went to a bar last weekend that has been added but they've totally rotated out their pinball collection so I want to remove the old games [or mark them as removed] and add the new games.
You can do this one of two ways:

1) You can either list the new games they got in and then list the games that are no longer there.... (if you feel they may come back at a later date, we'll just mark them as off the floor instead of deleting them from the list entirely)


2) Just show the entire list of what they currently have... even if it's ones that have been counted before.

Either way, just make sure you tell us one way or the other. You can also remind us in the notes section that it is an existing location.

There's an arcade near me that rotates their inventory on a monthly basis. They are constantly changing games in and out and also changing the floor layout frequently as well so that the current games may not be in the same place every time.

Good question, thanx for asking! :)


Posts: 666
RE: how do we add to the location listing?
on 6/9/2011 6:20:56 PM
We have had a number of people submitting requests lately, including long awaited updates up existing locations. Keep it up! :)

I wanted to stress what we are looking for when you submit games to us. Some of the submissions are leaving us scratching our heads as to details about the game.
When games are submitted, there are three things we look for other than the (full) name:

1) Cabinet style (upright, sitdown, cockpit, deluxe, environment, cocktail, cabaret, etc)
2) Number of players (this is especially important on racing games which can have several cabinets linked together)
3) Condition of the game (I realize this is hard to gauge so only mention if there is anything out of the ordinary about the cabinet like a sticky joystick or a bad or missing monitor, but if the game looks pristine you can mention that too) :)

If you visit a location and are unable to keep track of details of so many games, if the owner is ok with it, you can try and record short video clips of the cabinets, or you can bring in a pen and legal pad and jot down what you see. I often use a digital camera and take snapshots of the marquee without a flash. That usually works for me.


Posts: 666
How do we add to the location listing?
on 10/15/2012 3:15:56 AM
Since we're starting to get some new members here, I thought I'd bring this thread back to the forefront since it contains good info regarding how to submit locations.


Posts: 5
RE: how do we add to the location listing?
on 9/28/2016 11:19:22 PM
How long does it usually take for a new location to show up in the listings?  I submitted one about a month ago, but it hasn't appeared yet.  Just wondering if I did something wrong


Posts: 165
RE: how do we add to the location listing?
on 10/1/2016 12:54:40 AM
Send an email to Doc Mack of Galloping Ghost Arcade - he'll get it changed for ya.


Posts: 5
RE: how do we add to the location listing?
on 10/16/2016 9:30:06 PM
Crimefighter Wrote:
Send an email to Doc Mack of Galloping Ghost Arcade - he'll get it changed for ya.

That worked, thanks.

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Forums   General Discussion  how do we add to the location listing?
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