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Posts: 10
Track and Field Aurcade World Record
on 9/28/2010 11:33:19 PM
Robby Cahill who is only 14 years old broke the former aurcade record of 92,000 points. The former record was held by superb gamer Mark Sellers. Robby scored 92,070 points and one of the highlights was his 7.65 sec 100m the game before. I told my dad either Robby or I were going to take the score down that day. I think Robby can hit 93k very soon if he improves his high jump. Congratulations, Robby for your insane score on track and field.


Posts: 31
RE: Track and Field Aurcade World Record
on 9/29/2010 7:00:22 AM
Keep up the great work! I tried that game for the first time ever at the invitational -- it is truly a game of precision.

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Forums  Announcements  Track and Field Aurcade World Record