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Posts: 2
Unknown driving/shooting game name
on 8/6/2013 2:10:21 PM
Hello all!

I remember playing a driving/shooting combo game at my local Aladdin's Castle as a kid.

Gameplay consisted of first person perspective driving along a lunar/planetary (not Earth) surface, while flying insects came towards the screen. If you didn't shoot them soon enough, they would latch onto the hood of your vehicle and start eating away at it. They could be shot off the vehicle once they had latched on.

I'd say it fell into the Outrun/Space Harrier style of 16-bit graphics, if I'm remembering correctly.

The cabinet had both a steering wheel and a light gun. It's possible that it was two player.

Thanks in advance for the help!


Posts: 2
RE: Unknown driving/shooting game name
on 8/6/2013 3:16:07 PM
Found it:

Night Stocker

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Forums   General Discussion  Unknown driving/shooting game name