
Posts: 3
Galaga Bowl
on 6/6/2012 9:32:27 AM
We are busy gathering new rare games, sponsors for our contests, Get ready for the biggest and the best Arcade event in arcade history! (see Kong off 2), and museum quality displays. Early on when we hosted Classic Arcade Gaming Dotcom tourneys we had a problem with bathroom etiquette. I came up with this idea;  Ready .... Aim.... Fire!

Posts: 673
RE: Galaga Bowl
on 6/6/2012 1:23:51 PM
Kyoot, Richie. Welcome to your first post, btw.
I see one glaring issue with this though. If the person using this sees bullets heading toward him, he's likely to "dodge" them which could cause the same messes as before. Then there's that whole tractor beam thing......
Good artwork though. Maybe spraying "pepper" on the various enemies in BurgerTime and watch them change color slightly? Maybe a Black Widow bowl?

Posts: 3
RE: Galaga Bowl
on 6/6/2012 2:22:24 PM
Thanks Nash,
been laying low. The smell around the arcade scene has kept me at bay. I have been trying to shed some of my "Baby Fat" been busy exercising and enjoying the gorgeous weather. A new improved RK and RK arcade are on the horizon. I have been busy today with a Joust Cocktail and a Hat Trick Cocktail. Will post pics as soon as the restos are done.